We are looking for series of very short pieces that work together, whether aesthetically, thematically, or narratively, to form a broader synergistic whole. We are looking to accept the entirety of the submission, and we may still edit out parts if they don't feel right to us, but individual pieces will not be considered in this category. Think micro-chapbook, character studies, image and words combos. This is the category to think outside the box and break the rules.
Send a document to be considered as a unit, containing 3-6 pieces, up to 10 pages. This can include poetry, fiction, images, or any combination of the above. In addition to individual piece titles (if applicable) please submit with an overall title for the work as a whole.
We want pieces that explore the creative potential of visual storytelling in all its forms, from traditional comics to experimental works. If it's part of a larger narrative, make sure the excerpt has a self-contained arc. Remember that we are primarily a literary journal, so the quality of the writing has to be on-par with the visuals..
There is no length limit on graphic narratives. For short works (3 pages or under) you can send up to 5 in a single submission. For works longer than 3 pages, send one at a time and wait until you get a response to send another.
For each issue of After Happy Hour we feature a charitable effort benefitting a different non-profit each time. You can read more about the current non-profit on our page and donate . Make a contribution to our featured non-profit and send us a screenshot of your donation. We will match up to $$$ per reading period and you'll get feedback on your submitted work.
What to expect from our feedback:
We treat everything as if it were a piece one of us submitted to our own workshop, so we try to be as honest as possible to help you improve your work. We focus on broader concepts like flow, mechanics, and world. We may also offer some line edits, character/plot ideas, exercises, etc. Feedback may be from one editor or include comments from several.
All feedback subs are still considered for publication, but if published we might skip the feedback.
We're looking for stories we can't put down (and can't stop thinking about after we do). Whether your story is 2 pages or 20 pages, it should be complete and excised of all scaffolding, filler, and darlings. We like weird and absurd, just make sure you actually have a story, not only a cool concept. Aside from that, we want the same stuff every other journal asks for: strong characters, consistent voice, and compelling language.
For flash- and micro- (under 1,000 words) you can send up to 3 in a single document, which can be single- or double-spaced. There is no hard word count, but works over 5,000 words must be exceptional to merit consideration.
The ideal CNF submission engages the raw and personal with the broader world. We're not looking for journal entries, or for journalistic essays--it should be something in between, the intersection of your experience and the human experience. Scholarly essays will not be considered. We like the emphasis to be on the "creative" more than the "non-fiction" and look for essays that tell a story. Even if the situation is ongoing, your piece should have a clear beginning and end.
Send one piece up to 6,000 words, double-spaced. For flash- and micro- (under 1,000 words) you can send up to 3 in a single document, which can be single- or double-spaced. There is no hard word count, but works over 5,000 words must be exceptional to merit consideration.
Aesthetically, we're looking for things that challenge. Challenge form, challenge language, challenge society, challenge your rival to a bake-off, but most importantly, challenge yourself to exceed what came before you and to be your own voice. Shrug off your cliches and hang-ups and give us something new. Poetry, in whatever form it takes, can move our hearts and brains in places that other arts can't. Embrace it. Run wild.
Send up to 3 poems in a single document (no line limits, but we're not publishing The Iliad here or anything crazy). Sometimes people send more than 3 poems - we don't read past 3, so, I mean, if you like wasting your time, cool. Single-spaced, please.
Images and multimedia subs are fine, but you may want to consider the Suites category.
We are not opposed to sex, violence, or profanity when they are necessary to the story—we’re fans of all three, in fact. Having said that, we will not accept any work that contains hateful or discriminatory content, including racism, sexism, homophobia, and transphobia. Gratuitous sex and violence will probably get you rejected, too.
Use standard manuscript format (12-point Serif font, standard margins and spacing). It’s not like we’ll reject you for a bad font (probably) but it makes it easier to read, and that makes us happy. The exception is poetry that uses non-standard formatting for stylistic reasons. Prose writers have no excuse.
We accept and encourage simultaneous submissions. All we ask is that you be a good literary citizen and withdraw your submission through Submittable if it’s accepted elsewhere (if you’re withdrawing part of a submission, you can send us an e-mail). It is also expected that you’ll withdraw your submission from consideration by other journals if After Happy Hour accepts it.
If you work in mixed genres (hybrid poetry/fiction, illustrated stories, etc.) submit the work in the category that seems to fit the best, and we'll figure it out.
Our response time is generally less than 6 weeks, but we are humans (mostly) and have been known to fall behind. If you haven’t heard from us in 3 months or more, you can send an e-mail and give us a nudge. You can also check on the status of your submission at any time by logging into your Submittable account.
We acquire First Rights for all unpublished works and One-Time Rights for reprints, as well as non-exclusive electronic archive rights. All rights revert back to the author following the work's publication in After Happy Hour, and you can re-publish and anthologize your work at will. Content can be removed from the website on request, but cannot be removed from the issue in which it was published.