We love learning more about our contributors, and an interview seemed like a fun way to do it, so we gave them a choice of questions to answer. We hope you also enjoy hearing more about the artists and their works. Read on and check out this art from Carolyn EJ Watson
Who or what inspires your work generally?
I have always drawn to the unusual. My inspiration comes from my personal experience
and observations, particularly the darker elements of life. I like to think of myself as a
storyteller, but instead of words, I use brush strokes.
What is your creative process? Do you plan works out or let them happen as
they come?
As an artist, I tend to start working and my piece develops as I work. I occasionally
have an idea to start of with, yet pieces generally don’t end up the way I anticipate.
Why did you feel like After Happy Hour would be a good home for this piece?
I chose the piece Eastern Blue, for After Happy Hour, due to its style. While focusing on
a traditional subject of nature, I managed to introduce bright colours and texture, adding
a unique look to a traditional concept. I personally view the idea of “after happy hour”
to be a spin on traditionalism.